
Friday, April 22, 2011

Digging the Earth (Day)

We had no idea today was Earth Day when we planned this to be the day we dig our garden.  What a great coincidence!  My partner in life and vegetable growing did most of the digging, while I picked out the weeds and rocks. 
Now we have to pray that it doesn't rain before we have a chance to mix in the three yards of compost tomorrow. 

We had to do a little math in order to figure out what we needed.  Our garden is approximately 12' x 17', and we figured we want a total depth of 18 inches, so we're going to mix in 6 inches of the good stuff (or .5 feet). 17 x 10 x .5 = 85 cubic feet / 27 cubic feet in a cubic yard = 3.15 yards of compost.

By the way, did you check out that garlic??  I'm so proud.
Did you plant something, recycle something, or just enjoy being outside on Earth Day?

1 comment:

  1. No new plantings here but many smiles were seen in the sunshine at the gym pool.

    An Earth Day bag for you will arrive by special messenger on 4/28.

    Love your garlic! Watch out for Peter Rabbit!
