
Monday, February 13, 2012

Reno Progress and Chocolate Pudding

It snowed all day Saturday, but none of it stuck, so there was no snowshoeing.  We did find a nice trail in the woods along the river to walk on.  And, I spent a ridiculous amount of time removing veneer from a chest that I will not be ready to share with you until next week.  At the end of the weekend, all I have to show for myself is my husband's work, and some chocolate pudding.

They did some more framing upstairs in the bathroom, putting a hatch at the back of the bedroom closet so we (they) can get at the shower plumbing,

and installing the pocket door frame at the new entrance to our bathroom.

See how the wall will extend to give us more space at the sink?

And, the ceiling is gone. 

Next they'll put wallboard up in the closets, and then they'll remove the beams and insulation from the ceiling so we'll be able to see just how much space we're gaining.  It's going to be about three feet at the highest point.  The bathroom feels enormous (by comparison) already.

So, on to the pudding.  This is supposed to chill for 30 minutes before serving, but I tasted it warm with no regrets and might not bother next time.  The recipe says it makes two 8-ounce ramekins worth, but I filled four of my (must be 4 ounce) ramekins, and can't imagine eating twice as much.  It's made with bittersweet chocolate, so it is rich.  And delicious. 

Chocolate Pudding
(from Gourmet)

1/2 cup sugar
2 Tablespoons corn starch (I might use less next time)
4 ounces bitterweet chocolate (I used Ghiradelli chips)
1 and 1/3 cups whole milk
1 large egg yolk
1 Tablespoon unsalted butter
1/4 teaspoon vanilla

In a heavy saucepan whisk together sugar, cornstarch, and a pinch salt. Chop chocolate and add to sugar mixture. In a bowl whisk together milk and egg yolk and gradually whisk into chocolate mixture. Bring mixture just to a boil over moderate heat, whisking constantly, and boil 1 minute, whisking. Remove pan from heat and whisk in butter and vanilla.

Divide pudding into ramekins. Chill puddings in freezer, surfaces covered with plastic wrap, until cooled, about 30 minutes.

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