They haven't been growing too fast because it's been rainy and cool, but here's one we grew from seed that's doing pretty well. We're supposed to have a heat wave this week, so I expect they'll be doing a lot more growing soon.
See the new bed Matt dug for us?
It's closer to the house and in a spot that gets full sun. That's the "upper garden," and we're still utilizing the "lower garden," where the garlic and peas are nearing harvest time.
That's the garlic patch, and we picked some scapes for dinner.
The scapes need to be removed or the garlic bulbs won't grow as big. They're good sauteed with olive oil and tossed with spaghetti. The garlic will stay in the ground for about another month.
The peas (snow peas and a variety of English peas called Sutton's Harbinger), planted mid-April, have been flowering and developing pods for a few days now, right on schedule. I expect we'll start picking some by the end of the week.
This is our first year growing peas, and I'm actually amazed that it worked. I haven't done much at all to them since we put the seeds in the ground, and here they are. I shouldn't count my chickens before they hatch, I suppose. They will not benefit from the heat wave as much as the tomatoes, but they do get some shade, and we'll keep them well watered. Fingers crossed!
Congratulations gardeners! Get the basil ready! My mouth is watering!